Diocesan Museum Shkodër – Pult


The Diocesan Museum arises from the need to collect, preserve and make available the historical heritage related to the religion and culture of the Albanian people, which specifically refers to the territorial area that is part of the Arqidioqezën of Shkodër-Pult.

The north of Albania, where historically the Catholic tradition is stronger than in the rest of the country, is a witness and guardian of a religion that has deep roots in the very beginning of Christianity of the apostolic era.The Diocesan Museum is not only an action to protect and appreciate the material and non-material evidence belonging to our history, but a cultural action that aims to make the visitor meet a reality whose consequences are still visible in the present, for to understand its value and importance that transcend the plane of simple recognition and lead to enter that of knowledge: the love of life, the taste of goodness and beauty, the spiritual curiosity.

The museum itinerary, in a confrontation with the representations in the collection – works of art, ecclesiastical objects, objects of personal use and devotion, fragments and documents, testimonies – has finally turned out to be clear and is offered here for your attention. It provides a narrative progression according to thematic sections, accompanied by a timeline and organized into two main cores: PLACES AND SIGNS IN TIME (ground floor) and VOICES, FACES, EVIDENCE IN TIME (first floor).



Virtual Tour

The Diocesan Museum finds its place, closely connected to the Cathedral Church, under the South side and below the magnificent bell tower. The cathedral that houses it is an integral part of the Museum's story and part of the story that unites all the finds.

The Museum project was born from the will of the Archbishop of Shkodra, His Excellency. Angelo Massafra ofm.

The museum is a permanent, non-profit institution whose purpose is to serve society and its development as best as possible. It is open to the public, and conducts research related to material or non-material evidence of the history of humanity and its environment. These testimonies are then preserved, exhibited and become the object of study in the service of information and education. (I.C.O.M. 2004)


Opening hours

Everyday 09:00-17:00


All                                  100 Lek
