Shkodra History Museum


The Historical Museum of Shkodra opened its doors since 1947, and it was initially known as the “Folk Museum”, but from 1949 it was established with all its existing components. It was located in the very centre of the city, in a monumental building of the 19th century; its prominence was further increased by the Clock Tower close by. The museum initially was assembled due to the donations of the old Jesuit and Franciscan
conventions collections. These initial pieces were from the end of the 19th century, as well as part of private collections of prominent the Shkodra families. The funds were futher enriched with donations, purchases, and casual findings and from various archaeological digs. During the following years other museums and house museums were raised, forming a network of 7 museum centres in the city of Shkodra.

In 1996 the Historical Museum of Shkodra was transferred in the now restored monumental building a traditional Shkodran house of “Oso Kuka, where it is still today.
The “Rozafa” Museum opened in 1987 and placed in the Captain’s quarters in the City Castle augments the Museum importance.


Virtual Tour

The Museum has three main sections: the ethnographic fund, the archaeological fund, the visual arts fund and the library. The library serves as a place for the scientific researchers and the museum staff.


Opening hours

Monday 08:00-15:00
Tuesday 08:00-15:00 
Wednesday 08:00-15:00 
Thursday 08:00-15:00
Friday 08:00-15:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


Adults 150 Lek
Children 50 Lek
